Advisor Fees Explained: Flat-Fee vs AUM

In this episode of the Personal Financial CEO podcast, Steve A. Boorstein, PharmD, CFP® and Aiden Boorstein discuss four common ways financial financial advisors charge (commissions, hourly, AUM and flat-fee), including some of the pros and cons of each method. They focus most of the discussion on the most common method advisors use, Asset Under Management (AUM) fees and compare that to a newer method advisors are using, the Comprehensive Flat-Fee model. Steve and Aiden end the episode with an example of the potential long term difference in cost using an advisor who charges an AUM fees vs an advisor who charges a Flat-Fee, as well as, the difference that could mean to the bottom line of the portfolio value. Interested in exploring how a comprehensive flat-fee relationship with a Personal Financial CEO can help you you achieve your goals, guided by your values? We can help you create a comprehensive, lifetime financial plan, designed to help you get financially healthy in all five areas of personal finance and continue to stay that way, forever. A lifetime, comprehensive financial plan should thoroughly address all five area of personal finance: FINANCIAL PLANNING TAX STRATEGY ESTATE PLANNING INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO REDUCE RISK TO YOUR OVERALL PLAN Our comprehensive financial planning services are provided for one, all-inclusive flat-fee. It includes all planning, coordination, organization, accountability, investment management and advice. Our mission is to help you create and execute a truly comprehensive, lifetime, overarching financial plan to reach all of your goals. The information presented in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only and does not purport to be investment advice or an offer of investment advice, an offer to buy or sell any security or a recommendation of any investment strategy or course of action. Any graphs, charts, or calculations used are for illustrative purposes only.


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