Confused about college savings and funding options? Whether you have a younger child or a college-bound student, download our *FREE* “Guide to College Planning & Funding Strategies”
Let me briefly share with you three important things that I believe about college costs:
I believe the cost of college has risen dramatically over the past two decades and will continue to do so in the future;
- I believe that many of today’s students are not only graduating with an extreme amount of college debt, but it is having a dramatic impact on their financial plans for decades after graduation;
- I believe many parents feel an obligation to help their children fund college… and in the process, sacrifice not only their current lifestyle, but more critically, their ability to fund the financial independence of a potentially long and expensive retirement.
If you believe what I believe, then start learning about options that you have to save for college, if your children are younger… or funding options, if your kids are college-bound over the next few years.
I believe that every family is unique, and the goal at RockCrest Financial, is to customize an overall strategy that fits your family. We can help clients at almost all levels of income and assets plan effective strategies to save not only FOR college, but also develop cash flow, funding and financial aid strategies to save ON the cost of college.
Ready to start putting together the pieces of your family’s college planning puzzle? Get our FREE, Special Report, “Your Guide to College Planning & Funding Strategies” by entering your name and email below. You’ll get instant access to download the PDF document. I’ll also email you a link so you’ll have the download link case you need it again, in the future! And, if you need a customized plan that may be able to help you choose the right college, navigate the FAFSA, help lower your Expected Family Contribution, evaluate award letters, negotiate with colleges and map out better funding solutions… make a complimentary appointment.
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You can also read more about our unique college planning guide here!